High School Placement

Being a very sensitive area, Pace-up facilitates your stress free High School placements to well scrutinize and approved schools in selected destinations as below, based on your expectations.

i. France – French destination for students interested in French language and culture and for students hoping to enroll in (special) programs in French Universities.
ii. Germany; – German destinations for students interested in Deutsch language and culture and for students hoping to enroll in (special) programs in German Universities.
iii. Spain; – Spanish destinations for students interested in Spanish language and culture and for students hoping to enroll in (special) programs in Spanish Universities.
iv. United States of America; -American destinations for students interested in English language and American culture and for students hoping to enroll in American Universities.

Higher Education Advisory

Planning and making decisions for Undergraduate, Graduate or Post Graduate studies could be very complex. Thanks to our highly trained and internationally recognized student Counselors, your fears are allayed. Our dedicated counselors are always readily available to assist you in making the best choice out of the numerous universities and courses available to suit your career.

University Admissions

In addition to helping you make a good choice, our staff also facilitates your application to the University. We thoroughly screen all documents and put them in an approved state to enable you gain the necessary consideration from the University’s admissions board.

University Enrollment

In addition to helping you make a good choice, our staff also facilitates your application to the University. We thoroughly screen all documents and put them in an approved state to enable you gain the necessary consideration from the University’s admissions board.

Scholarship Application Support

We have a world-wide network of scholarship schemes available to students. For every destination you choose, our student counselors will advise you on the scholarship opportunities available and assist in making an appealing application that will meet the highest consideration.

Visa Advisory & Support

Visa application is a delicate issue that needs a lot of experience. Our success and growth depends very much on this hence our dedication to provide up-to-date information to our clients. Our counselors give expect advice on visa documentations and prepare students for visa interviews if any.

University Registration

Upon arrival in your destination country, Pace-Up helps you go through your registration process successfully. We give students a vivid orientation on what to expect during the registration process and guide them to put together the necessary documentations to enable them have a smooth registration. When necessary, we arrange for language assistance as well.

International Logistics

At Pace-Up, we believe first impression counts a lot. Your first experience on arrival may not be pleasant that is the more reason why at Pace-up, we are committed to help you settle in quickly and ready for the ultimate purpose of your travel. These services include airport pick-ups, assistance with residence permit acquisition and other documents needed to regularize your stay, arrangement for accommodation, among others.

Guided Student Tours

Pace-Up organizes regular tours to and in different countries for students to familiarize themselves with cultures and historic attractions in their new countries. These events bring together our client in and around a location for day’s tour.

Student Internships

A practical experience is a necessity to University Education. Aside preparing students for future job opportunities, internships increase the chances of getting employed. Pace-Up is widely networked and would gladly connect the student, interested, to an internship opportunity near them or an international destination.

Summer Programs

All work and no play, as said, makes Jack a dull boy. Join the ‘Pace-Up Train’ this and every summer to various camps with maximum security and safety measures, in carefully selected places in Europe, USA and Canada. The summer program provides the best umbrella that encompasses study and fun.

Teens Camp (14-19 years)

This brings study and fun together under one umbrella, giving the participants the widest experience of their lives. The teens’ camps are handled by well scrutinized and rigorously trained staff purposely for these camps.
Participants gain exposure to diverse cultures from other parts of the globe as well as networking with colleagues from different continents – this cannot be underestimated. More importantly, participants have the opportunity to better a second language for livelihood or examination purposes by choosing a language biased destination for periods between 2-8 weeks.
i. France; Camps in France have language lessons in French/English, for participants who want to learn or polish French language and experience their culture as well.
ii. Germany; Camps in Germany have language lessons in German/English, for participants who want to learn or polish Deutsch language and experience their culture as well.
iii. Spain; Camps in Spain have language lessons in Spanish/English, for participants who want to learn or polish Spanish language and experience their culture as well.
iv. USA/Canada; Camps in USA & Canada have language lessons in English/French/Spanish, for participants who want to learn or polish selected language and experience their culture as well.
Aside the language lessons, participants are given tutorials on grooming and leadership. Participants are entitled to select amongst a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities, subject to parental approval. All participants are taken on guided city and sporting tours for sightseeing and to also shop (under guidance and parental approval).

Young Adults Camp (Mostly for University students & Young professionals)

These camps are mostly for University students interested in visiting European and North American destinations for purely academic summer school programs or partial academic and fun based programs. Participants have the opportunity to experience a new country and appreciate the cultural diversity and have a network of friends from around the globe. University students could also complete part of their course work and be awarded credits (subject to their university’s approval).
Some hosts accept young professionals who are either fresh graduates from universities or newly employed graduates who need experience.

Summer Work & Travel

Pace-Up makes Travel Education more fun during summer vacations. We connect our clients to various opportunities in their new countries or to another country to take advantage of paid job opportunities while they explore.